KR33CNC v1 Details
All aluminum extrusion is 80/20 2″ x 2″ series 10, purchased via the 80/20 store on Ebay.
The uprights are 14 inches tall.
The table is made from 12″ x 12″ x 1/2″ MIC-6 cast aluminum plate
The router mount is from K2CNC
Linear Motion:
Y axis is a THK KR33 linear actuator with double long blocks.
X axis is a THK KR33 linear actuator with double long blocks.
Z axis is a THK KR33 linear actuator
THK KR33 linear actuators are an industrial product that combines a linear motion rail system with a ballscrew and motor mount. This creates a single axis linear motion system that provides smooth motion with high precision and a repeatability.
NEMA 23 ClearPath DC Servo motors with internal controllers from Teknic (1/4 inch shaft model)
Parallel breakout board model C10 is used to connect the PC to the servos
Power supply for servos is a 120vac Allen-Bradley that puts out 48vdc at 5 amps
Z axis uses an electric 24vdc brake to prevent the Z axis from dropping should the machine loose power or encounter an error
Spindle is a Bosch Colt palm router
Buttons, E-stop and button enclosures are from Automation Direct
Turck proximity sensors used for home position
Solid state relays came from Ebay and Amazon
Miscellaneous Information:
Machine Travel is Y 9.5 inches, X 9.25 inches and Z 4 inches or more inches depending on the actuator used.
The table has a 1″ x 1″ hold down pattern for securing parts
Flexible air hose is by Loc-Line